

Federal District


  1. a district in which the national government of a country is located, especially one in Latin America.

federal district


  1. an area used as the seat of central government in a federal system

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Of the 42 federal district nominees currently pending, eight are African American.

Milke's legal team filed an appeal in federal district court in Phoenix.

He won his case in the Federal District Court in Virginia in 2011.

Appearing in federal district court for her guilty plea, Greig seemed fragile and traumatized.

In this light it is astounding that federal district court judges find anyone wholly innocent, as has happened so often.

It consists of fourteen provinces, ten territories, and one federal district.

The question of size of the Federal District had been settled by the Constitution—it was to be ten miles square.

The extent of this federal district is sufficiently circumscribed to satisfy every jealousy of an opposite nature.

La Plata was founded in 1882, two years after Buenos Aires had been constituted a federal district and made the national capital.

Twenty-two states voted, including the federal district of Mexico, and two territories.



